Pcom Finale project TumbleWeed. Created with Win Lei Ng. Untitled from...
PCom Finale project. Created with Azure Qian and Negar Behbahani. The...
PCom Finale project. Created with Azure Qian and Negar Behbahani. In...
PCom Finale project. Created with Azure Qian and Negar Behbahani. We...
PCom Finale project. Created with Azure Qian and Negar Behbahani. http://itp.nyu.edu/~tsr267/MyPOV/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/Drum_01.pdf...
Week4 01 from Talya Stein Rochlin on Vimeo.
Q: Which of the types of projects mentioned in “Physical Computing’s Greatest...
Elevator Using the Tisch elevator isn’t such an easy thing after...
Physical Computing 01: Thoughts about interaction…. The three stages in a cycle...